Reimagining Governance is a collaborative initiative between ONN and Ignite NPS. Our goal is to provoke a shift in how we talk about and do governance in nonprofit organizations so they’re better positioned for our futures.

Stories and

Learn and be inspired by what others are doing.

Browse the story bank below to find examples of what governance innovation can look like in practice. Stories include important insights from organizations who are actively reimagining their governance. Share your stories and help us grow the collection to fuel the movement.

Stories of innovations

Redefining the board’s role with Findhelp 211

LGBT Youth Line discusses aligning values, purpose, and good governance

Reimagining the board structure with Ontario Library Association

Against the Grain Theatre’s journey towards intentional governance design

Purpose-Driven Stakeholder Engagement with Cystic Fibrosis Canada, Kingston Community Health Centres, and The Neighbourhood Group

Creating an intentional governance culture with The Stop

Inspiration from the sector

3 things you can do now to shift how you think about governance

From “doing” agile to “being” agile: What agility in governance could look like

Beth Jordan on values-driven governance

Lyn McDonell on having a more expansive view of governance

Foundation leaders encourage nonprofits and charities to do things differently

Vu Le discusses how we’ve settled for a board archetype that no longer make sense

How clarifying the board essentials can open up the space to reimagine

Matt Fullbrook talks about re-shaping governance from the ground-up

Kelly Sannes explains how emergent strategy is helping Community Foundations of Canada reimagine governance

Contact Us

We would love to hear your stories — the things that worked, and the things that didn’t! Learning and practicing together will grow these ripples of change into waves.

Is your nonprofit experimenting with new approaches in how it does governance work? If you’ve tried some new things and are willing to share your stories with the broader sector, we would love to connect with you!

Contact Us