Decent Work Charter

The Charter

Boards can show their commitment to decent work by signing a charter. Use the following text as a starting point for your organization’s charter.

If you download the charter, please let us know by sending an email to [email protected]. See who has already signed the charter here.

Decent Work Charter

[Your organization name] aims to support inclusive, healthy and equitable communities, and we know that the provision of decent work is central to creating the economic and social foundations that underpin individual and community well-being. We are therefore committed to championing decent work conditions and practices in our society, local communities and within our organization.

As an organization committed to social justice we are signing this charter to confirm our commitment to advancing policy reforms needed to improve working conditions for all.

As an employer we are signing this charter to confirm that we view decent work as an essential component of achieving our mission and intended impacts. And our understanding that the provision of decent work conditions in our organization in turn benefits the well-being of community members and volunteers that we work with each day.

As a leader in our community, we will champion local economic practices that promote and sustain decent work, and will join with community groups, sector networks, unions, and funders to generate collective actions that expand decent work conditions.

To guide our efforts, this charter will be based on the following value statements:

  • Decent work is a central source of personal dignity, family stability, community cohesion, civic inclusion, economic vibrancy, and societal well-being
  • Decent work is an essential means of furthering the mission and impacts of nonprofit organizations by attracting, developing and sustaining the passionate, dedicated and skilled people who work in our sector
  • Decent work is complementary to our commitments to advance inclusion and diversity in our workplace, and to renew and support our sector’s future leadership

In signing this charter we commit to advancing decent work in our workplace, communities, sector and society to address seven issue areas of:

  • Employment opportunities
  • Fair income
  • Health and retirement benefits
  • Stable employment
  • Opportunities for development and advancement
  • Equality and rights at work
  • Culture and leadership



Decent work charter signatories

Access Alliance Multicultural Health and Community Services

East Scarborough Storefront

Scadding Court Community Centre

Agincourt Community Services Association

North York Community House

St. Stephen’s Community House

West Scarborough Neighbourhood Centre

Association of Early Childhood Educators Ontario

Planned Parenthood Toronto

Waterfront Neighbourhood Centre

Working Women Community Centre

We’re grateful for the financial support of the Atkinson Foundation and Status of Women Canada, which is helping us to explore and build decent work in Ontario’s nonprofit sector.

We are grateful to Definity Foundation for being a Connector+.
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