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Federal Election 2021

Federal election 2021

Public Policy Work:
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ONN’s Federal Election Priorities

The role of nonprofits in democracy

Election advocacy rules for nonprofits

Election Advocacy Toolkit for nonprofits

The nonprofit sector is the federal government’s partner in building a fair, inclusive, and green recovery for Canadians

The way Canadians work, live, and thrive is both fundamentally and rapidly changing. Canada is headed into a decade of significant transformations. Canadians need an ambitious plan, based on principles of fairness, inclusivity, and sustainability, to match the scale of social, economic, environmental, and technological transformations heading our way.

Building a fair, inclusive, and green recovery for Canadians cannot be achieved without the partnership of the nonprofit sector. A true partnership would leverage nonprofits’ expertise, local infrastructure, and community-centered missions. The nonprofit sector is a natural ally to the government in our shared commitment to using our collective resources to support the needs and priorities of Canada’s diverse communities, and more generally, the public good. 

Nonprofits, it’s time to speak up!

The 2021 federal election is taking place on September 20. It’s a great time for nonprofits and charities to amplify partnership with sector is necessary and how nonprofits are a natural ally, share their stories, and get the issues and priorities of our communities on the public policy radar. Although ONN works primarily on provincial policy issues, we speak out on federal issues if they have a critical impact on our provincial network of nonprofits working for public benefit.

Based on what we’ve heard from the sector, we have identified four key federal recommendations that we encourage our network to promote in the lead-up to the federal election. We encourage federal political parties to take up these recommendations and consider how to engage the nonprofit sector as a partner for a fair, inclusive, and green recovery for Canadians. 

What are your policy issues that political parties should pay attention to? Now’s the time to share your stories, meet with prospective MPs, and focus voters’ attention on what matters to your community. Share your election asks with ONN via Twitter or email!

ONN’s Policy Recommendations for Federal Election 2021

#1: Stabilize the nonprofit sector to ensure its critical infrastructure remains strong for rebuilding Canada:

  • Allocate direct investment in nonprofits and charities to ensure organizations can carry on their work, effectively transition programs and business models to meet needs in the recovery, and prepare to take advantage of future opportunities.

#2: Establish a home in government for the nonprofit sector:

  • Establish a home in government that takes a cohesive and strategic approach to coordinating policy and engaging with our diverse sector, as a partner rather than a service provider.

#3: Partner with nonprofits for better community-led solutions:

  • Build and expand a Canada-wide licensed child care system with the nonprofit – including nonprofit cooperatives – and public sectors exclusively;
  • Prioritize procurement from local social enterprises, co-operatives, and nonprofit organizations;
  • Tailor the design of the Social Innovation Strategy and the Social Finance Fund to embed an equity lens.

#4: Create multiple pathways for women to grow and thrive in women-majority sectors and occupations to advance gender equity:

  • Include strategies for sectors that are traditionally overrepresented with women, like the nonprofit sector, in the National Action Plan for Women in the Economy;
  • Prioritize the care economy in rebuilding Canada and ensure care work is decent work;
  • Modernize Employment Insurance to reflect women’s current and anticipated labour market realities.

ONN’s Federal Election Priorities

What others in the sector are advocating for:

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